
Twenty Nineteen.

Its been a while since last post.
Last post ‘bout my career.

Dah tukar career dah.

Much better than before.
More bonus. More salary.
Highly demand.

Apa lagi?

Dah 2019, masih belum ada jodoh.
Mungkin belum masa.

And what else?

Oh Im using iPhone XS Max gold colour.
Rakyat blogger perlu tahu.
Dari nokia cokia ke blackberry ke samsung ke iphone.
End up iPhone juga.

But, the thing is Im the one hve tht high features of camera,
Mangsa segala pemangsa.
Habis aku la yang tangkap gambar tak kira cousin,
kawan etc. (aku reti tangkap gambar)
Habis siapa nak tangkap gambar aku. (almost all picture taken tak chantek)

What a life.